We believe that each and everyone has a social responsibility to make a difference in the community.
“We” Web Technology, believes that local businesses have a social responsibility to make a difference in the community. Prosperity is a privilege that is not deserved solely because of the time, dedication and hard work that we invest. It is ultimately deserved by how much blessings we share to those in need.
Web Technology abide by this principle and have reaffirmed their commitment through the institution of a community outreach program. we impart this mission to our employees by enjoining them to participate in the program. Employees are not only required to be customer-oriented, they are also expected to be kind and caring individuals who have big hearts.
We believe that each and everyone has a social responsibility to make a difference in the community.
Back to school Outreach program
The program focuses on children and runs in the form of providing school supplies for this coming school year, foods and educational assistance efforts in cooperation with organizations and communities. Last December 2012, Web Technology participated in a Christmas Sharing for 400 families who resides on San Isidro, Santiago Isabela. and on 2012 and 2011 also the month of may, Web Technology also organized the same form of sharing.
See you again this coming December and on 2014