Web Team and Jay Taruc “Ang Simbahan ng San Rafael”

The San Rafael Church is believed not only to be a spiritual haven for the faithful but also as a refuge for restless souls.

There are reported sightings of ghost children playing, a kneeling nun, and other entities who wander the grounds of the church and the adjacent convent.

This is the 2nd Episode GMA7 I-Witness Team invited us to join their investigation. Armed with our high definition cameras Jay Taruc and the Web Team investigates.





Secured and Encrypted

Secured and Encrypted

Telnet port is forbidden to block the attack.


secured password

Password is needed to access serial port.



Firmware file is encrypted, which is not readable. Hacker can not modify the file.

Hacker can not get the password by brute-force attack. Camera will deny any access for a while if wrong password is input for 5 times in 10 seconds.

Hacker can not get the password by brute-force attack. Camera will deny any access for a while if wrong password is input for 5 times in 10 seconds.

encrypted config

Config file is is encrypted, which is not readable. Hacker can not modify the file.

Foscam Camera Security Tips

Recently, Foscam has received some feedback from our customers and media about camera security problems. Foscam takes security very seriously and has a dedicated team who is constantly engaged with network professionals around the world to carry out security testing on our cameras. Our team carried out detailed research on this issue and found the reasons are:

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Some of our customers are still using the default username and password.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] The username and password is too simple and easy to crack.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Some of the cameras are still using the old firmware and have not been upgraded to the latest version.

To ensure the security of your camera and prevent various types of hacking and unauthorized access, Foscam strongly recommends our customers to safeguard their privacy by taking the following security precautions.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Always change the default username and/or password as soon as you setup your camera. Input a username and/or password that is at least 8 – 10 characters or longer. Try to use a combination of lower-case and upper-case letters as well as numbers and special characters.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Make sure your camera has the latest security firmware installed for your specific camera model. The latest firmware for Foscam cameras utilizes protection against various types of online hacking and unauthorized access.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Go to our official download center https://webtechnology.ph/downloads/

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Check the model and current firmware version of your camera carefully, and then choose the right firmware to download.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Unzip the firmware RAR file. There will be firmware files and upgrade guidance. Please follow the guidance carefully to upgrade the firmware.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Change your default port to a port in the 8100 or greater range. Hackers often target default ports and you do not want to make yourself an easy target. By using a non-standard port it will make it more difficult for hackers to find your camera.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Check the logs of your Foscam cameras often. Foscam cameras have embedded logs which allow you to see exactly which IP addresses are accessing the camera. You will be able to tell if an outsider has gained access to your camera.

    [li_item icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”#1e73be” circle=”” circlecolor=””] Make sure your Internet router or modem is secure (ie, change the default password and install updates), since this is how the device will connect to the Internet.